New Zealand Conference Bite-Sized Interviews: Meredith Chapman
Meredith Chapman has worked as a Consultant/Advisor in WHS and Vocational Rehabilitation throughout Australia for over 20 years. Meredith’s academic career includes a Masters in Safety Science and post-graduate degrees in Rehabilitation Counselling, Health Sciences and Accident Investigation. Meredith is Currently completing her PhD Meredith in the area of Science, Engineering and Health exploring how ‘WHS as a framework can reduce horse-related human injuries and fatalities. She is an accredited WHS Lead Auditor, SafeWork NSW approved trainer and Royal Lifesaving First Aid Trainer. Meredith has worked with many corporate clients in the Agricultural Industry, Mining , Energy Services, Transport, Equestrian, Health and Disability Services, Better Homes & Gardens (TV), Councils, Government services such as NSW Trade and Investment, SafeWork NSW, Local Lands, NSW Police and Education advising in WHS systems development, training, auditing and project coordination. Meredith also assists PCBUs in meeting their obligations during and following Enforceable Undertaking Proceedings and has been nominated as a WHS Equine Expert Witness. Meredith is a published author in an international peer reviewed journal on the topic of Equine WHS. Meredith has written equine safety articles in a magazine with a distribution of 18,000 members and development ASQA Accredited training courses. In 2005 Meredith development a risk assessment program to successfully match horse and riders with this innovative tool being adopted by the AACO (Australia’s largest Agricultural Beef Breeder) and researched by the MLA (Meat and Livestock Assoc.) for its reliability and validity. In 2014 Meredith was invited to sit on the ASQA review committee for all nationally accredited courses conducted in Australia, in particular equine training. Meredith was invited by Safework NSW in 2016 to assist in the development and co-design of a NSW Code of Practice- ‘Managing Risks when New or Inexperienced Riders or Handlers interact with Horses in the Workplace’ Meredith is also an accomplished horse riding competitor and breeder with over 35 years of experience. She is listed in the Australian Stock Horse ‘Hall of Fame” and is an accredited judge, trainer and inspector.