Mission and Aims

The International Society for Equitation Science (ISES) is a not-for-profit organisation that chiefly aims to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of advances in equitation science research which will ultimately improve the welfare of horses in their associations with humans. 

ISES Aims:

  • to encourage basic and applied research into the training and welfare of horses;
  • to support researchers studying equitation science;
  • to provide an international forum where scientists can communicate and discuss the results of equitation science research;
  • to encourage the dissemination and application of scientific knowledge in relation to the way horses are trained, managed, housed and cared for;
  • to encourage and support the teaching of equitation science in research and academic institutions, especially veterinary schools, departments of animal science and animal production, agricultural colleges and departments concerned with equids;
  • to provide a pool of expertise to national governments, international bodies, industry and to those equine welfare organisations on topics related to equine welfare, behaviour, training and management;
  • to learn from other disciplines such as applied animal behaviour science, veterinary science, psychology and others.


Read the ISES Constitution 2017 

ISES have adopted the Ethical guidelines of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE).

Media Team

ISES Constitution 2017

ISES have adopted the Ethical guidelines of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE).

Council Members

President / Trustee

Senior Vice President / Trustee

Junior Vice President / Trustee

Honorary Secretary


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Governance Officer 

Membership Secretary / Trustee

Veterinary Liaison Officer

Research Officer

Education Officer

Practitioner Representative

Student Representative

Media Team

Media Team

Ordinary Council Member

Honorary Fellows & Founding Members












